Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Virtual Museums- The New Class Field Trip!

      Remember when a field trip meant permission slips, parent chaperones, and sack lunches? When trips were limited to the local museums and attractions located within a short driving distance? As school budgets shrink and field trip opportunities dwindle, teachers are looking for new ways to bring the world into their classrooms. With the Internet, any museum is accessible with just the click of a mouse. Incorporating museum exhibits and educational programs into the curriculum will get kids excited about learning. Many museums have developed an education department with the purpose of providing programs and materials for students and teachers. 

Picture can be located by visiting, Smithsonian Virtual Museum
      When I came a crossed this article I forgot for a moment that to organize a field trip took some time and resources. The budget cuts are really affecting the learning environment in classrooms a crossed America. Children are missing out of connecting classroom lessons and knowledge with real life experience or hands on learning that children can get from a field trip. Not only does this cut the cost completely but also the travel time and most importantly the location of which the field trip can or could take place. Also if students do not get enough time to experience the museum they can access that same museum at home. Being able to access the museum anywhere can contribute to a family connection because students can share a specific virtual museum anytime, anywhere, and most importantly with anyone! 

YouTube video- Roald Dahl Virtual Tour

By: Melissa Johnston
Jan. 30, 2001 

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