Wednesday, April 20, 2011


The ICN is the country's premier fiber-optic network, committed to continued enhancement of distance learning and providing Iowans with convenient, equal access to education and government. The Network makes it possible for Iowans, physically separated by location, to interact in an efficient, creative, and cost-effective manner. Through partnerships with education, medicine, the judicial system, government agencies, and the National Guard, the Network brings live, full-motion video to over 700 classrooms around Iowa, located in schools, National Guard armories, libraries, hospitals, and federal and state government offices. ICN services include full-motion video, video over IP, voice, data, WAN connections, and high-speed Internet. 
Picture was taken by Brooke Willey

I currently have had the opportunity to join a program that consists of the use of the country’s premier fiber-optic network, committed to continue to enhance distant learning and proved Iowans with convenient and equal opportunity to attend a college without leaving the comfort of my home town. ICN programs are helpful for older adults that want to continue their educational goals later in life. Educators count on ICN to helping advance their students technological knowledge and enhance new technology in their classrooms. I am and so are other people very lucky to have an opportunity of using this advanced new technology in classrooms every single day around the state of Iowa!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Virtual Museums- The New Class Field Trip!

      Remember when a field trip meant permission slips, parent chaperones, and sack lunches? When trips were limited to the local museums and attractions located within a short driving distance? As school budgets shrink and field trip opportunities dwindle, teachers are looking for new ways to bring the world into their classrooms. With the Internet, any museum is accessible with just the click of a mouse. Incorporating museum exhibits and educational programs into the curriculum will get kids excited about learning. Many museums have developed an education department with the purpose of providing programs and materials for students and teachers. 

Picture can be located by visiting, Smithsonian Virtual Museum
      When I came a crossed this article I forgot for a moment that to organize a field trip took some time and resources. The budget cuts are really affecting the learning environment in classrooms a crossed America. Children are missing out of connecting classroom lessons and knowledge with real life experience or hands on learning that children can get from a field trip. Not only does this cut the cost completely but also the travel time and most importantly the location of which the field trip can or could take place. Also if students do not get enough time to experience the museum they can access that same museum at home. Being able to access the museum anywhere can contribute to a family connection because students can share a specific virtual museum anytime, anywhere, and most importantly with anyone! 

YouTube video- Roald Dahl Virtual Tour

By: Melissa Johnston
Jan. 30, 2001 

Monday, April 18, 2011

Creating a Classroom Website

One of the ways teachers can move into an interactive use of technology in the classroom is to create a class web site. Classroom web sites are one example of the many exciting uses of technology in education in the 21st century. But how do teachers and students benefit from a classroom web site? Some experts contend that technology is changing the face of education by moving from a passive learning environment to a more constructive environment where students are producers instead of consumers of knowledge. Class web sites are just one way teachers and students are changing the way they operate.

Picture can be located by clicking here, Mrs. Pearce's Classroom Website
I believe it is a great idea to create a classroom web site. The web site is a great way to keep communication at the most important level for teachers, parents, and students. The web site can also be a gateway for parents to know what their children are learning from day to day or week to week. It allows teachers and parents to have an active relationship with their student or child. Also students can check the web site if they missed a day of school or if they do not fully understand their daily assignments and or projects. Also a classroom website allows the teacher to be evaluated by their schools’ administration. Lastly, a classroom web site makes connecting learning and technology in a creative and active way for all involved!

Creating a Classroom Website
By: Melissa Johnston; January 9, 2001

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Schools Starting to Allow Use of Digital Devices in the Classroom

     The most unimaginable thing is happening in our classrooms today. Teachers and school administrations are consoling the use of cell phones and other portable digital devices. Some believe that it is becoming the norm for children and adults alike to own a cell phone or any of the other portable digital devices out there. Of course, there are some believers that think that allowing such devices in the classroom is giving students a gateway to cheat. Others believers think that this can in fact enrich the technological environment in the classroom. Scott Thompson, Dysart’s school district’s executive director said, “The goal is to try to harness the power of a lot of these Web-enabled devices that kids already have.” “Kids are walking around with smartphones and iTouches and all kinds of devices that have more computer power than most computers we had in the schools 10 years ago.” The article was written by Amy B Wang from, The Arizona Republic. Wang discusses in her article potential pitfalls, digital citizenship, and new ways of teaching using portable digital devices in the classroom. Many of the new teaching ideas she talked about in the article where creative and would foster active learning about technology and the changing way in which children should be taught. George Haines, a technology teacher at Sts. Philip & James School on Long Island said, "The kids that are taught in schools where things are more open, they're going to end up being more different than the kids who are shielded," Haines said. "My guess is that they'd have an advantage, but who knows?"

     I believe that we are so depended on digital devices that why not have them as part of the environment in our classrooms. Of course, I believe that the amount and specific times the students are allowed to use these devices should be determined by the digression of the teacher and the schools administrations. For the people that believe that this would foster the act of cheating to a more large degree; maybe the teacher could have the students put the devices in a common area where the teacher knows and has control of such devices. I don’t think it’s right to limit the knowledge of technology in the classroom because there could be a chance that a student or two would choose to cheat, cheating happens without technology involved anyways. The new ways of teaching that the article discussed were interesting to say the least. I like the idea of incorporating portable digital devices in the classroom because so much of what we want out students to take away from our teaching is new and creative ways of doing things through their education of technology. We have come to a technology generation that if we are not careful our students and children for that matter will know more about digital technology than us. In other words, our students will be teaching us instead of the other way around!  

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Hey there Bloggers!

Hello! This is my very first blog. I was a bit nervous when I heard that I was going to be blogging for my Educational Technology Design class, but with all new things comes excitement which I am feeling right now! I am looking forward to writing and discussing my thoughts and feelings through my "Wicked Blogging"! I can't wait to get started!